BAM! Bad Ass Mats not only protect the various work site surfaces which may include turf, mulch, cement, paving stones, asphalt etc…but also the environment, your employees and your bottom line. Recycled material
First and foremost, BAM! mats are made from recycled plastic. The manufacturer of BAM!, Allied Plastics, uses recycled plastic from its own thermoforming process. This is critical to ensuring that the strength of the finished product is consistent and never compromised.
“Polymers always retain their innate chemical structure and strength, even when they are melted and remolded,” explains Steve Wieder, Co-Founder and Vice President of Allied Plastics.

To that end, Allied Plastics collects the small amount of scrap generated when cutting and trimming each BAM! mat it produces. Allied’s in-house recycling process shreds and grinds that scrap. Those recycled pellets are mixed with virgin pellets and colorant during the extrusion process where they are melted down and formed into plastic sheets—sheets used to thermoform the next batch of BAM! mats. In the case of BAM!, 90% of the material used is recycled. Resilient and easy to use
BAM! mats are designed to be durable and long-lasting, especially as compared to another common material used for ground protection. Plywood degrades and deforms over time. Plywood absorbs water, dirt and chemicals, is prone to splintering, cracking and breaking, and can even develop mold. In other words, a plywood sheet’s days are numbered. The BAM! mats just keep on protecting the work sites.
BAM! mats are made from 3/8” thick HDPE plastic that won’t crack or fade. BAM! mats are also rated at 160,000-lbs. so they will support many types of equipment on the jobsite.
BAM! mats are easy to keep clean. Unlike with plywood which absorbs moisture, users simply spray the mats off with a hose because BAM! mats will not absorb water.

BAM! mats are easy to carry and stack neatly during transport. The exclusive two-sided tread design provides large wide traction for equipment tires and a tighter design for foot traffic. By significantly reducing the chances of damage during transport, the life expectancy of BAM! increases even further. The right choice for employees
Part of sustainability in business is retaining employees. BAM! mats offer several advantages here.
Because they are made of a highly durable, yet pliable polyethylene, BAM! mats can follow the contour of the ground to create a stable, safe working surface. Plywood is rigid and will not follow the contour, often with a corner or two sticking up off of the ground.
BAM! mats are also easier to handle than plywood sheets. Eight convenient large carrying handles are precisely molded and cut into each mat. Unlike when handling plywood, users don’t have to worry about splinters injuring their hands. For those users who prefer to wear work gloves, BAM!’s carrying handles provide plenty of room for a comfortable and secure grip.
BAM! mats are also lighter than a comparably sized sheet of plywood. Plus, plywood often gains weight over time by absorbing water, dirt and chemicals. BAM! won’t gain weight because the material is moisture resistant.
Finally, BAM! adds another layer of safety because the mats can be kept free of chemical residue by simply rinsing them off with a hose. And because BAM! mats won’t absorb moisture, users don’t have to worry about coming into contact with any mold that may have formed. Users can also be comfortable storing their BAM! mats outside if indoor storage space is limited. The right approach for the environment
Every piece of trash created at a worksite ends up in a landfill. Plywood sheets are no exception. Many contractors simply toss their used plywood into the garbage dumpster at the end of a project or after it becomes unusable. BAM! mats, on the other hand, can be loaded back onto the truck or trailer and taken to the next jobsite—over and over again.
BAM! mats help protect the environment by simply doing what they are designed to do: protect the work site surface. Preventing lawn damage helps avoid costly rework after a project is complete—rework that often involves the additional use of gas-powered equipment, seed, fertilizer, etc. Rework to paved surfaces can also involve the use of gas-powered equipment, not to mention cleaning chemicals and maybe even additional concrete or asphalt. You also have to think about the customer satisfaction that is at risk when the work site surface is damaged.
That kind of costly rework is adverse to not only the environment, but also a company’s reputation and bottom line. The true value of BAM! is easy to see. Once you factor in the other sustainability benefits of using a more durable, versatile and safer product that’s made from recycled materials, the true total value is clear.
Want to learn more about how BAM! can help your business protect the lawns, driveways, patios, sidewalks and work sites they’re working around?
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